A Modern Address Sign with Oak and Painted Numbers

Before the tree fell on my house, I had been planning on making a new address sign for the house… for years. I bought the metal numbers about 5 years ago and just procrastinated. It’s not hard to make a DIY house number address sign but I think maybe I just wasn’t inspired. After the tree fell, I was really looking for inspiring projects I could do once most of the hard work of rebuilding the house was completed. I stumbled upon this project from DIY Huntress and loved it, mainly because she used the exact same style of numbers I bought for my house years prior!

DIY house number address sign_Front View

I actually started this project before the tree had been removed from the house, then set it aside until I had time to work on it. I won’t go into detailed instructions for this project because the post by DIY Huntress is pretty awesome in itself, so I’ll just share how I made it my own!

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I used a scrap piece of 1×6 for the base and lightly sanded the top. I cut pieces of 1/4″ x 2-1/2″ oak at about 5″ long.  I drew a line down the center of the base lengthwise then started placing the oak craft boards along the line in a herringbone pattern, securing them in place as I went with glue and 3/4″ brad nails. I filled the nail holes, then sanded with 150 grit sandpaper.

DIY house number address sign_Base Board

I applied a coat of pre-stain wood conditioner to all sides of the sign, followed by two coats of spar urethane to protect the wood. I also spray painted the numbers white.

The house numbers I purchased are designed to stand away from the surface where they are secured. I took the house numbers to work and photo copied the back side of the numbers for screw placement. I arranged the photocopies on the back side of the sign and marked the position of the holes, then drilled holes all the way through the sign.

DIY house number address sign_Photo Copy of Numbers

I secured the numbers to the sign and added a D-ring hanger tab with a screw to the back for hanging. A soda can tab with a screw and a washer can also be used.

DIY house number address sign_Number

We haven’t installed the siding on the house yet but I still hung the DIY house number address sign by the front door. I am proud to finally have it completed and I think that the sign will really pop once the siding is installed!

DIY house number address sign_Finished View

What do you think? Have you ever been inspired by another person’s project? Leave a comment below!

Other DIY Address Signs for the Home:


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