A Few Ideas for Updating a Mailbox on Hometalk

The mailbox seems to be one of the most neglected pieces in the yard (next to my entire yard – ha ha!)! With just a few inexpensive supplies, a mailbox can be given a makeover that looks like a million bucks! I’ve partnered with Hometalk to curate a board on Mailbox Upgrades to help with a few ideas!

a collection of mailbox upgrades designsbystudioc0212

I spray painted my mailbox a shocking shade of blue and added my house number with white vinyl. After a year of withstanding the harsh weather, the mailbox still really stands out and it is so easy to tell folks to “turn at the bright blue mailbox”!

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collection of mailbox upgrades bright blue paint

How about this mailbox? I love the bear and this Hometalker made the bear out of plywood!

collection of mailbox upgrades Bear Mailbox

Where I live, I see a lot of tractor mailboxes but this one is the best ever!

collection of mailbox upgrades JD Mailbox

This Hometalker used a stencil to create a pretty pattern on the mailbox – I love the flowers with the hook hanging on the back of the post!

collection of mailbox upgrades Stenciled Mailbox

In case you need a new post, I’ve got you covered! Follow my easy step-by-step tutorial on making a new post without breaking the bank!

collection of mailbox upgrades custom DIY post

There are so many more ideas for updating a mailbox on Hometalk! I’m sure you’ll find plenty of inspiration for mailbox makeovers or any other makeovers related to the home!


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