Projects I Created for a Habitat for Humanity Benefit!

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of our local Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore! I buy a lot of fantastic items there that I use in a lot of my projects. Our local HFH has a benefit event every year called “ReStore & After”. What happens is local artists and DIYers like myself take items from the ReStore and transform them to be auctioned off with the proceeds benefitting HFH! I am so excited to be able to participate this year and hope to do so for many years to come!

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So, in honor of the event this week, I thought I’d share my creations!

I took this light fixture in all of its brass and glass glory and transformed it into…
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Handcrafted with You in Mind!

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…this! I taped off all of the glass panels (they were leaded in and could not be removed) and primed the frame then spray painted it white. Once that was dry, I taped off the frame and etched the glass. I wrapped the socket covers with scrapbooking paper.

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Next, I used this old, grimy headboard to create…
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…this gorgeous bench! I built the frame using reclaimed lumber, the primed and painted the entire piece. The seat boards are also reclaimed which I sanded and stained.
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And just because I love HFH so much, I am throwing in this Old Door Bench as a donation! The parts to create the bench were purchased at the ReStore.
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Since I get so much benefit from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, it was only fitting that I give back. I hope the projects I’ve created bring them lots of well-deserved funds!



  1. divadee113

    YAY for you! And you inspired me to sign up for Women Build. This is a great thing and I want to volunteer for a program that involves people helping themselves and the community! Thank you so much!

    • CherTexter

      Wow, thank you!! I am so excited for you!! It is definitely awesome to give back and I hope you have a great time doing it!!

    • CherTexter

      Thank you so much! I enjoyed building both of them and I hope they brought a lot of money for Habitat for Humanity! Thank you for stopping by!