Make Your Own Feet for Furniture – Quick, Easy, and Inexpensive!

A lot of plans call for legs or feet for furniture. Generally, those types of feet or legs are very expensive. I can show you how to make furniture feet using materials that are already on hand. Though they will start out as the plain Jane variety, I can also share a few ways to spruce them up making these furniture feet quick to make, very easy, and well within any budget, saving tons of money!

How to Make Furniture Feet

For a cabinet or ottoman that will sit low to the ground, simple feet made from 1x material will be perfect. This particular foot is made with a 1×2 cut at about 8″ long. The pieces are cut in half with a 45° miter.

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How to Make Furniture Feet_Scrap Wood

How to Make Furniture Feet_Mark for Miters

How to Make Furniture Feet_Miters

A bevel is cut at each end (facing the same direction). The miters are joined using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws to make an L-shaped foot. (This tutorial on drilling pocket holes in a mitered edge will be helpful!)

How to Make Furniture Feet_Bevel

I spray painted the feet then secured them to an ottoman with 1-1/4″ screws through the inside into the top of the feet.

How to Make Furniture Feet_Paint

How to Make Furniture Feet_Ottoman

For cabinets that will sit a bit taller off of the ground (generally 4″) these feet can be constructed using pieces of 4×4 material or 2×4 material glued and screwed together, then squared up on a table saw. If using two 2x4s, the edges can be filled so that the line between the two pieces is not visible. I cut an angle in the feet (very carefully using the miter saw!) then spray painted them dark brown. They can be attached using glue and 2-1/2″ screws through a cabinet into the top.

How to Make Furniture Feet_Chunky Legs

I found these pieces that were cut off of a longer furniture leg. I secured them to a 2×2 with a hanger bolt and glue in order to use them on a dresser I am working on. I probably should have used a router with a roundover bit on each edge of the 2x2s to make it look a little more cohesive, but I still like the way it looks!

How to Make Furniture Feet_Longer Legs

There are a ton of other options that I will post as I test them – I want to make sure they will look right, first! Have any other ideas or questions about how to make furniture feet? Leave a comment below!

Originally posted 2015-06-10 08:00:19.


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