Say Goodbye to Grime: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Your Computer Keyboard

One day, I decided to take a close look at my computer keyboard—yikes! It was covered in so much grime that I no longer wanted to use it. This keyboard is from my office computer, and I have no idea how long it has been around, but it looked as if someone had eaten their lunch over it. It was definitely time for a thorough cleaning. Although it was time-consuming, I’m really glad to have it done! Let me show you how to clean your computer keyboard and make it sparkle like new!

how to clean computer keyboard image with screw drivers and screws


I use a wired keyboard, and I began by unplugging it from the computer dock. Next, I flipped the keyboard over and removed all the Phillips screws from the back to take off the back plate and the keyboard itself.

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how to clean computer keyboard back side removing screws

how to clean computer keyboard inside of keyboard

Next, I took a photo of the keyboard (this is a very important step!) to replace all the keys in the proper order. I used the paint can key to take off each key, which was actually quite easy!

how to clean computer keyboard removing keys with paint can opening key

After removing the keys, I used a brush to clear out any debris trapped in the keyboard plate. Then, I rinsed it under water, ensuring that there were no electrical connections on this part before cleaning it. I placed the plate in front of my heater to dry while I cleaned the keys.

how to clean computer keyboard with all keys removed and ready to clean

I used a cleaning wipe to clean each individual key. The keys were so dirty – there was so much debris caked on them, leaving me to wonder how that could even happen! Yuck!

how to clean computer keyboard using a cleaning wipe on the keys

After everything was clean and dry, I placed all the keys back into the plate, referring to my photo for the placement of some of them, and then replaced the back using the screws.

how to clean computer keyboard featured image with screws and keys

I plugged the keyboard back into my computer dock, and it feels like having a brand new keyboard! Typing even sounds different!

how to clean computer keyboard sparkling clean and like new

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