Easy Ways to Make the Home Energy Efficient

This article, Home Energy Efficiency Improvements That Really Work, has been posted in exchange for compensation, and was not written by Designs by Studio C.  Great articles like these are what keep Designs by Studio C able to provide more fabulous DIY and home improvement content, plus free furniture plans for all to enjoy!

When it comes to your home, you want to try and make sure that you are as energy-efficient as possible. Not only does energy efficiency help you to save money, but it also reduces your carbon footprint too.  

The only question left is, how do you make sure that you are as energy-efficient at home as possible? If you want to know more, then I have put together some of my very own home energy-efficient improvements that I have found to really work.  

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home energy efficiency improvements

Replace your boiler 

If you have had your boiler or furnace in your home for some time, you may need to face facts; the time has come to change it. Boilers can be expensive, which is why many people try to avoid buying one unless they have to.  

However, what you may not realize about your boiler is that keeping your old one running, simply because you are worried about how much it will cost you to replace it, will cost you more money in the long run.  

home energy efficiency improvements furnace

Photo by Heiko Ruth from Pexels

Try out community solar panels 

Many people like the idea of solar panels for their homes; however, they might not be able to afford the investment of having them installed or feel that their property will be suitable. This is where the idea of community solar panels, like the ones at choosesolar.com, can help. They are installed within a community setting, which allows multiple households to benefit from the solar energy without having the panels installed in their own homes.  

home energy efficiency improvements solar panels

Photo by William Mead from Pexels


One of the simplest ways to make sure that your home is as energy efficient as possible is to add insulation to your roof. The heat that you have in your home will rise, just as heat does, and then it ends up escaping through your roof.  

Having insulation in place stops this process from happening to a large degree. This not only makes sure that your home is as warm as possible (useful if you have particularly cold winters where you live) but also reduces your energy usage too.  

Look at your energy usage 

Keeping an eye on your energy usage is a great way to ensure that you are saving as much money as you can. There are several ways to do this, but one of the most straightforward approaches to take is investing in a smart meter

These meters are designed to show you where your energy is being used each day. While some of the appliances and gadgets may be a necessity, you may be surprised by how much you use them and how much that in turn costs you.  

home energy efficiency improvements energy meters

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

Not every single one of these methods may be right for you, but there is a good chance that you will find that one of them does work. Think about how you best can reduce your energy usage and what will work best for you, and you will not only save money but will also have a warm and inviting home.  

Have you made any home energy efficiency improvements that work? Share them in the comments below!

Featured Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels
