An Easy to Build Wine Holder for All Skill Levels
Need another quick and easy project? Look no further! This wine holder is inexpensive and the best part is that it is stackable! Oh yeah! How fabulous is that??
- 1-1/4″ brad nails (<– affiliate link!)
- Finishing supplies
Lumber list is material to make ONE holder…
- One quarter sheet of 3/4″ plywood (2′ x 4′) OR pallet wood pieced together using pocket holes and pocket screws
- One 1×6 at 4′
- One 1×4 at 4′
Cut List:
- One – 3/4″ plywood at 21″ x 35″ – Front & Back
- 3 – 1×4 at 15″ – Spacers
- 2 – 1×6 at 15″ – Sides
Step One
For the front and back, it will be easier to cut all of the holes in one panel, then cut it apart. I know, it is tedious (sorry!) but trust me on this! Mark the position for the holes on the panel. The holes will be cut using a 4″ hole saw and will be spaced at 5″ on center.
Once all of the holes have been cut, the panel will be cut apart to create the front and back. Make the first cuts at 2-1/2″ from each of the shorter edges through the center of the first and last rows of holes. Cut the panel apart at the center (the fourth row of holes) so that the panels measure approximately 15″ tall.
Step Two
Cut the pieces for the spacers. Position them as shown with the top located 1″ above the top of the front and back (so they will fit inside another holder if stacking them), and secure each piece with glue and 1-1/4″ brad nails.
Step Three
Cut the pieces for the sides. Position the sides with the top located 1″ above the top of the front and back (in the same manner as the spacers), and so that the sides overlap by 1/4″. Secure using glue and brad nails.
Finish as desired!
Have questions about the Chesterton wine holder? Leave a comment below!
Originally posted 2013-02-15 08:00:15.
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