Upgrade Your Home’s Mailbox

The mailbox – the place where most of us receive news whether it be good or bad, wanted or not (bills). My mailbox was looking a little worse for wear, especially when a previous mail carrier took it upon herself to write over the numbers with a paint marker and make it look even crappier! I decided it was time to update the mailbox and make it awesome to reflect my style, and if the mail carrier writes on it this time, I will be very unhappy!
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I unscrewed the box from the post and separated the lid and the flag, then gave it a thorough cleaning using water and dishwashing liquid.

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I spray painted it using my favorite spray paint – Rust-Oleum’s 2x Ultra Cover in Satin Lagoon. I painted the flag in a contrasting color – Rust-Oleum’s 2x Ultra Cover in Gloss Key Lime.
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free plans to build a Williamsburg box SANY2336

I cut out a monogram, as well as our house number and street name, in vinyl using my Silhouette Cameo. (I blocked the address out of the photo for obvious reasons!)

free plans to build a Williamsburg box SANY2338

Once the paint dried, I put everything back together and replaced the box on the post.

free plans to build a Williamsburg box SANY2342

Ah ha!! Now when I give directions to my house, I can tell them to look for the bright blue mailbox!


My friend, Jake, provided a Postal regulation regarding flag color –

3.10 Color
The color of the mailbox and flag
must be in accordance with the
following requirements. The mailbox
may be any color. The carrier signal flag
can be any color except any shade of
green, brown, white, yellow or blue. The
preferred flag color is fluorescent
orange. Also, the flag color must present
a clear contrast with predominant color
of the mailbox.

So, in all fairness, I am going to repaint the flag. Since there is no regulation against the use of pink (!), I may use that color! Thank you, Jake, for the information!!

Originally posted 2013-07-05 08:00:49.



  1. You are going to hate me. I have updated rural boxes also and got into trouble because I did not follow the rules which turn out to be extensive. Your mailbox is beautiful but look at this regulation:

    3.10 Color
    The color of the mailbox and flag
    must be in accordance with the
    following requirements. The mailbox
    may be any color. The carrier signal flag
    can be any color except any shade of
    green, brown, white, yellow or blue. The
    preferred flag color is fluorescent
    orange. Also, the flag color must present
    a clear contrast with predominant color
    of the mailbox.

    This is from the regs of 2001 so I hope they are outdated and the flag can be any color. If you see a swat team, homeland security, the FBI, the IRS, and Homeland Security on your doorstep soon please don’t resist.

    • CherTexter

      I won’t hate you at all! I used to work for the Postal Service (for 4 years) and painting a mailbox is ok. Modifying it in any other way (height, moving it other than an approved location, etc.) is not ok! As long as it is an approved receptacle, color and adding numbers do not matter! Though I could paint the flag pink because the regulation you cited does not exclude pink!!

      • Well good luck. I wish your mother was my inspector (you would be too young) and saved me from having to repaint a mailbox flag. I wanted to prevent seeing you on the nightly news hauled away in cuffs for such an unforgivable color. I love your mailbox.

        • CherTexter

          Thank you, Jake! I think I will repaint the flag anyway… I don’t want the Men in Black knocking on my door ~ ha ha! I’ve also added the regulation you provided to the post. Thanks again!!

    • CherTexter

      I also wanted to make sure I THANK YOU for posting this regulation! I really appreciate the info! (You are awesome!)