A Fabulous Ottoman or Footstool for Any Room!

This is the perfect project for that urge to build something… The plans to build a storage ottoman on casters are quick, cheap, and the ottoman is definitely useful! Who couldn’t use extra storage and a place to prop your feet? Plus it is a great way to use up a few scraps laying around!

Free Plans to Build a Storage Ottoman on Casters-Copy



  • Scrap pieces of plywood or MDF OR
  • One – 2′ x 4′ sheet of plywood
  • One – 2′ x 2′ sheet of plywood

Cut List:

  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood circles – 18″ in diameter – Top & Bottom
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 11″ x 17-3/4″ – Dividers

Free Plans to Build a Storage Ottoman on Casters

Handcrafted with You in Mind!

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Click on the drawings for a larger view!

Step One

Draw out the circles on the plywood. There are many ways to do this but I prefer the “string, thumbtack & pencil” method. Cut out using a jigsaw or saw of your choice. I cut mine on the bandsaw since I just learned how to use it! You could also build a jig for the bandsaw and cut the circles that way.

Cut the pieces for the dividers. Cut the notches as shown using the saw of your choice. Sand all of the pieces thoroughly.

Free Plans to Build a Storage Ottoman on Casters_Dividers 1

Step Two

Assemble the dividers, then position the top and bottom. Attach to the dividers using glue and 1-1/4″ brad nails.

Free Plans to Build a Storage Ottoman on Casters_Dividers 2


Step Three

Attach the circles (the top and bottom) to the dividers using glue and 1-1/4″ brad nails.

Free Plans to Build a Storage Ottoman on Casters_Top & BottomFinish as desired, then attach the casters to the bottom using 3/4″ screws. Prop up your feet and relax!!

I used 3/4″ MDF to make an ottoman like this and love it! The top can also be upholstered to make it more comfortable for your feet. This ottoman is also a great piece of extra seating!

The plans to build a storage ottoman are suitable for any skill level and can be customized however you’d like. Have any questions about building the ottoman? Leave a comment below or contact me at cher {at} designsbystudioc {dot} com.

Originally posted 2014-07-28 08:00:58.


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