Easy to Build Book Storage Inspired by a Catalog Retailer

This is the perfect project for one who is new to woodworking or one just looking for something quick and easy! The actual inspiration piece uses glass clips to hold the glass dividers in place but when I researched them, they were expensive! I created an alternative for the free plans to build a Joss & Main inspired Lucia bookshelf that would be easy (and much more cost effective) to make and still hold the dividers in place!

Free Plans to Build a Joss & Main Inspired Lucia Bookshelf_Copy

Glass, plexiglass, or acrylic sheets can be used for the dividers. I did find that the acrylic comes in colors and would be a fun alternative to clear or frosted – just sayin’…


  • 5 pieces of 3/8″ glass, plexiglass, or acrylic measuring 13″ x 16-1/2″
  • 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws (<– affiliate link!)
  • 1″ screws
  • 1-1/4″ screws
  • Edge banding, if desired (<– affiliate link!)
  • 8 – Nail-on furniture glides
  • Finishing supplies (sandpaper, paint or stain plus sealer) (<– affiliate link!)


  • 4 sheets of 3/4″ plywood
  • 1 – 1×12 at 3′

Cut List:

  • 5 – 3/4″ plywood at 14″ x 16-1/2″ – Ends
  • 6 – 3/4″ plywood at 16-1/2″ x 58-3/4″ – Shelves
  • 1 – 1×12 at 16-1/2″ – Divider Pieces (will cut into 10 – 3/4″ x 1″  at 16-1/2″)
  • 1 – 3/4″ plywood at 36″ x 80″ – Back

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Free Plans to Build a Joss & Main Inspired Lucia Bookshelf


Step One

Cut the pieces for the shelves. Apply edge banding if desired.

Cut the piece for the divider pieces. Use a router with a 3/8″ straight bit to cut the grooves in the 1×12 as shown in the drawing. Cut the pieces apart on the table saw. The dimensions allow for the kerf of the blade in between each piece.

Free Plans to Build a Joss & Main Inspired Lucia Bookshelf_Divider 1

Attach the dividers to the shelves as shown using glue and countersunk 1″ screws. EDIT: The channels for the Plexiglas can also be made by using square dowels secured to the shelves with the height of the Plexiglas adjusted to fit.

Free Plans to Build a Joss & Main Inspired Lucia Bookshelf_Divider 2

Step Two

Cut the pieces for the ends. Drill pocket holes in the 16-1/2″ ends then attach to the shelves as shown using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws.

Free Plans to Build a Joss & Main Inspired Lucia Bookshelf_Ends

Step Three

Cut the piece for the back. Apply edge banding, if desired. Attach to the back of the bookshelf as shown using glue and countersunk 1-1/4″ screws through the back into the shelves. Add nail-on furniture glides to the bottom of the lowest shelf.

Free Plans to Build a Joss & Main Inspired Lucia Bookshelf_Back

Finish as desired!

A reader has suggested that as the bookshelf is currently designed, the shelves don’t feel sturdy. Angle brackets or shelf brackets can be added under the shelves (and attached to the back) to support the shelves. The brackets can be spray painted to match the color of the stain or paint. Have any questions about the free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Lucia bookshelf? Leave a comment below or contact me at cher {at} designsbystudioc {dot} com!

Originally posted 2012-11-19 08:00:55.



  1. Any thought about where to get the glass/plexi/acrylic? I have looked at a couple of websites and am getting quotes of $35-$45 per piece for 3/8 glass.

    • CherTexter

      .Do you have a Lowe’s near you? I know they sell plexiglas and will cut it, also! Hope this helps!

  2. I made this bookshelf and I like the way it looks but it does not feel very sturdy. I think it is best for displaying art or photos and not a lot of books. I thought I could put some books in the closed sections but they are too heavy. Any suggestions for adding support that would not spoil the aesthetic?

    • CherTexter

      Hello! Thanks so much for building from my plans – so sorry about it not feeling sturdy. As far as stabilizing it, maybe angle brackets or shelf brackets (spray painted the same color as the stain or paint) under each shelf would help. They would add support without being obvious! Hope this helps… if not, please let me know and I will come up with another solution!