A Fool-Proof Way to Install Drawer Fronts

Installing drawer fronts has always been a bit intimidating for me. It’s such a bummer when you’ve put in all the effort to build a gorgeous cabinet, only to mess up the installation of the drawer fronts. Trust me, it happens to me way too often and it can be super frustrating! But fear not, because today I’m going to share a simple and fool-proof method for installing both overlay fronts and inset fronts.

Easy Way to Install Drawer Fronts

Starting with the overlay fronts, the drawer slides and boxes should already be installed.

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Easy Way to Install Drawer Fronts drawer box installed

Mark the drawer fronts for the handle or knob placement and drill the holes. Align the front on the cabinet where it needs to be located. Clamp in place, if desired (I like to go commando and hold it in place).

Easy Way to Install Drawer Fronts unfinished drawer front

Drive a screw through one of the holes for the knob or handle into the drawer box. If using a handle or more than one knob, drive a screw in the second hole.

Easy Way to Install Drawer Fronts driving screws

Open the drawer and attach the drawer front from the inside by driving a screw through the drawer box into the front.

Easy Way to Install Drawer Fronts driving screws inside

Remove the temporary screws on the front and finish drilling the holes in the drawers for the knob or handle.

Easy Way to Install Drawer Fronts hole for handle

Easy-peasy, right? For inset drawer fronts, the method is essentially the same. The front should be constructed so that it is 1/4″ smaller than the opening which leaves a 1/8″ gap around all sides. Shim the drawer front in place in the opening and drive the temporary screws through the holes for the knob or handle.
Easy Way to Install Drawer Fronts drawer front with shims in place

Open the drawer and attach the front in the same manner as the overlay drawer.

Easy Way to Install Drawer Fronts driving screws through front

This is my favorite easy way to install drawer fronts. To me, it is quick and accurate! Have any questions? Leave a comment below!

Originally posted 2014-01-28 08:00:17.



  1. drawer pulls handles

    Thanks for sharing this informative tutorial. I have just followed your step by step instructions and it is done. It looks beautiful..

    • CherTexter

      Thank you very much! I’m so glad it worked for you! Stop by again soon!

  2. I almost think I could do this. I’m ever amazed at your skill Cher.

  3. Jessica F. Hinton

    This amazing, Cher! And so, so useful! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Michael McIntosh

    Super technique! Another tip if anyone wants a knobless look, is to use a strip of double-sided tape to position the drawer face, then clamp it and attach it from the inside as your illustration describes.

    • CherTexter

      Hi, Michael! That is such a great idea, I never thought of that! Thank you so much for sharing. I may try it on my next project!

  5. Great tutorial. The step where you attach the drawer front says this: “Open the drawer and attach the drawer front from the inside by driving a screw through the drawer box into the front.” Surely you couldn’t attach the face with just one screw. How many do you use? Where do you position them?