An Easy (and FUN!) Decorating Upgrade

Last week, I posted plans for the Urban Outfitters Inspired Wall Organizer. The kids commented that it would be really cool to use it for tic-tac-toe… Of course that got the wheels turning and I created the game pieces for the organizer. These would be cute with pictures of the kiddos in place of X and O, or even used as a “memory” game. Or why not mount family photos to each piece for display?

tic-tac-toe pieces for the UO inspired organizer



  • Scrap pieces of plywood (I used Purebond plywood)
  • Scrap piece of a 1×3 or 1×4
  • Brad nails or screws
  • Mod Podge (<– affiliate link!)
  • Scrapbooking paper
  • Assorted pictures or stencils and craft paint

Cut List:

  • 10 – 4-1/2″ x 5″ pieces of plywood
  • 5 – 1×3 or 1×4 pieces at 5″ cut into two triangles

Step One

Handcrafted with You in Mind!

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Cut the pieces of plywood and the triangles. Thoroughly sand the edges of the plywood so they are smooth.

tic-tac-toe pieces for the UO inspired organizer wood pieces


Step Two

Attach a triangle to one of the plywood pieces using brad nails through the front of the plywood into the triangle. Make sure the bottom of the triangle is flush with the bottom of the plywood piece.

tic-tac-toe pieces for the UO inspired organizer triangle stand


Step Three

Apply a coat of Mod Podge to the front of the plywood and position the scrapbooking paper. When dry, trim the excess paper away using a craft knife.

tic-tac-toe pieces for the UO inspired organizer mod podge

tic-tac-toe pieces for the UO inspired organizer scrapbook paper

Step Four

I cut the X and O from vinyl and applied it to the front of the plywood piece over the scrapbooking paper. If you are using a stencil and paint, position the stencil and apply the paint using a paint dauber.

tic-tac-toe pieces for the UO inspired organizer vinyl letters


This is such a fun way to change the look of a project and use it for fun! Have questions about how to make tic-tac-toe pieces for the UO inspired organizer? Leave a comment below!
