Free Plans to Build A Beautiful Wardrobe Cabinet

No closets? No problem! This large and roomy wardrobe will satisfy all storage needs with a simple and stately attractiveness! The free plans to build a 19th Century American Wardrobe features a closet rod inside the cabinet and two large drawers. Shelving can be substituted for the closet rod to make a fantastic media center.

build a 19th century american wardrobe dimensions

This easy to build DIY armoire can be completed over a couple of weekends,



  • 3 – 1×2 at 8′
  • 8 – 1×3 at 8′
  • 2 – 1×6 at 8′
  • One sheet of 1/2″ plywood
  • One sheet of 3/4″ plywood

Cut List:

  • 4 – 1×3 at 79-3/4″ – Side Frame
  • 4 – 1×6 at 19-1/2″ – Side Frame
  • 2 – 1×2 at 64-3/4″ – Side Frame
  • 4 – 1/2″ plywood at 9″ x 64-3/4″ – Side Panels
  • 1 – 3/4″ plywood at 44″ x 75-3/4″ – Back
  • 1 – 1×2 at 44″ – Lower Stretcher
  • 1 – 1×6 at 44″ – Upper Stretcher
  • 1 – 3/4″ plywood at 19-1/2″ x 47-1/2″ – Bottom
  • 2 – 1×2 at 19-1/2″ – Slide Supports
  • 1 – 3/4″ plywood at 5-3/4″ x 20-1/4″ – Drawer Divider
  • 1 – 3/4″ plywood at 20-1/4″ x 47-1/2″ – Shelf
  • 1 – 3/4″ plywood at 21-3/4″ x 50-1/2″ – Top
  • 4 – 1×3 at 62″ – Door Frames
  • 2 – 1×3 at 54″ – Door Frames
  • 2 – 1×3 at 16-13/16″ – Door Frames
  • 2 – 1×6 at 16-13/16″ – Door Frames
  • 4 – 1/2″ plywood at 7-1/8″ x 54″ – Door Panels
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 18″ x 19-1/8″ – Drawer Bottoms
  • 4 – 3/4″ plywood at 5-1/2″ x 18″ – Drawer Sides
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 20-5/8″ – Drawer Backs
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 21-3/8″ Drawer Fronts
  • Trim for sides and front of top (length depends on type of trim chosen)

Step One

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Cut the pieces for the side frames. Drill pocket holes in each end of the shorter pieces, as well as the plywood panels as shown. The 1x3s for the sides of the frames are positioned on end and the other frame pieces will be flush with the outside edge. The panels will be flush with the inside face of the shorter frame pieces. Assemble using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws.Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Side

Step Two

Cut the piece for the back and drill pocket holes as shown. Secure to the side frames using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Back

Step Three

Cut the pieces for the stretchers and drill pocket holes in each end. Also drill pocket holes in one long edge of the upper stretcher to attach the top. Attach to the side frames as shown using glue and 1-1/4″pocket hole screws. Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Front Stretchers

Step Four

Cut the piece for the bottom and drill pocket holes as shown. Attach to the cabinet using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. The top of the shelf will be flush with the top of the lower stretcher.

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Bottom

Step Five

Cut the pieces for the slide supports and drill pocket holes in each end. Attach to the legs of the side frame using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. The inside face of the supports will be flush with the inside edge of the legs.

Cut the piece for the drawer divider and drill pocket holes in one long edge. Position as shown and secure using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws.

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Slide Support

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Drawer Divider

Step Six

Cut the piece for the shelf. Cut the notches and drill pocket holes as shown. Attach to the cabinet using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. Secure the shelf to the drawer divider using 1-1/4″ brad nails.

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Shelf 1

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Shelf 2

Step Seven

Cut the piece for the top. Secure using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws through the holes in the side frames, back, and front apron. The top will overlap the front and sides by 3/4″.

Cut the pieces for the trim. Install the side trim first, then install the front trim.

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Top

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Trim

Step Eight

Cut the pieces for the door frames and panels. Drill pocket holes in each end of the shorter pieces, as well as the plywood panels as shown. Assemble using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws.

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Doors 1

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Doors 2

Step Nine

Cut the pieces for the drawers. Drill pocket holes in each end of the side pieces as well as all four edges of the bottom. Assemble as shown using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. The fronts will overlap the drawer box by 3/8″ on each side.

Install the drawer slides according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This easy tutorial on installing drawer slides will be a huge help! Make any necessary adjustments.

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Drawer BS

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Drawer FB

Free Plans to Build a 19th Century American Wardrobe_Drawer Fronts

Finish as desired and install the cabinet pulls.

Have any questions about the free plans to build a 19th Century American Wardrobe? Leave a comment below!

Originally posted 2013-01-16 08:00:35.



  1. rickcrabtree

    A correction to the lumber list, please. You can’t make all the cuts required out of the one sheet each of 1/2 and 3/4 plywood. To make the cuts as listed you will need 2 sheets each. If you go with 1/2 for some (or all) of the material you could possibly do it with 3 sheets of 1/2 if you are careful with the layout.

    • Cher-Ann

      Hi, there! You are absolutely right and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention! I have updated the list accordingly. Thank you!

  2. Pingback: Wardrobe – Free Woodworking