Simple Book Storage on Casters

This would be the perfect bookcase for a room where the furniture is rearranged frequently! The casters make it incredibly easy to move from place to place and the wide shelves provide ample storage for a variety of items. The plans to build a pine wood bookcase can be built out of new or recycled boards, and is a super-simple plan suitable for all skill levels. These simple bookshelf plans are the perfect weekend project!

build a pine wood bookcase dimensions


  • 2-1/2″ pocket hole screws (<– affiliate link!)
  • 2-1/2″ screws
  • 4″ casters (<– affiliate link! The bookcase will be heavy so make sure the casters can support the weight!)
  • Finishing Supplies


  • 4 – 2×2 at 8′
  • 4 – 2×4 at 8′
  • 15 – 2×6 at 8′

Cut List:

  • 4 – 2×4 at 75-3/4″ – Side Frames
  • 10-2×2 at 9-1/2″ – Side Frames
  • 15 – 2×6 at 73″ – Shelf Slats
  • 4 – 2×2 at 70″ – Back Stretchers


Step One

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Cut the pieces for the side frames. Drill pocket holes in each end of the 2×2 pieces. Attach to the 2×4 legs with 2-1/2″ pocket hole screws placing the pocket holes so they are facing up and will be hidden by the shelf slats.

build a pine wood bookcase sides

Step Two

Cut the pieces for the slats. Cut a notch in eight of the slats to accommodate the legs. Attach the slats to the frames as shown using glue and countersunk 2-1/2″ screws. A few screws may be placed through the sides of the legs into the slats with the notch cut into them.

build a pine wood bookcase slats build a pine wood bookcase shelves

Step Three

Cut the pieces for the stretchers. Drill pocket holes in each end. Attach to the back of the bookcase as shown using glue and 2-1/2″ pocket hole screws.

build a pine wood bookcase back supports

Step Four

Attach the casters to the bottom of the side frames. If needed, a block can be placed under the lowest shelf at the side frames to attach the casters.

build a pine wood bookcase casters

Finish as desired.

The DIY bookshelf plans can be finished however you choose! Have questions about the plans to build a pine wood bookcase? Leave a comment below!

Originally posted 2012-12-17 08:15:27.


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