Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Martha Chest

This is one of those pieces that can be finished in so many ways… Distressed and chippy finish, stained, painted one solid color, or decoupage each of the drawers with different scrapbooking papers! I think I’ll have to add the plans to build a Martha chest to my ever-growing list of things I want to build just because!

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Copy


  • 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws
  • 1-1/4″ screws
  • 1-1/4″ brad nails
  • Edge banding for plywood, if desired
  • Finishing supplies


  • 2 – 2×2 at 6′
  • 2 – 1×2 at 8′
  • 1 – 1×4 at 8′
  • 1 sheet of 3/4″ plywood

Cut List:

  • 4 – 2×2 at 35-1/4″ – Legs
  • 2 – 1×2 at 15-1/2″ – Upper Side Stretchers
  • 2 – 1×4 at 15-1/2″ – Lower Side Stretchers
  • 2 – 1×2 at 29-1/2″ – Upper Long Stretchers
  • 2 – 1×4 at 29-1/2″ – Lower Long Stretchers
  • 1 – 3/4″ plywood at 17″ x 31″ – Shelf
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 8-1/2″ x 18-1/2″ – Side Panels
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 18-1/2″ x 27-3/4″ – Cubbies
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 18-1/2″ x 29-1/2″ – Cubbies
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 8-1/4″ x 8-1/2″ – Back
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 8-1/2″ x 10″ – Back
  • 1 – 3/4″ plywood at 17-1/2″ x 30-1/2″ – Top
  • 2 – 1×2 at 17-1/2″ – Top Side Trim
  • 1 – 1×2 at 33-1/2″ – Top Front Trim
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 6-1/2″ x 17″ – Small Drawer Bottoms
  • 4 – 3/4″ plywood at 8″ x 8-3/8″ – Small Drawer Front & Back
  • 8 – 3/4″ plywood at 8-3/8″ x 17″ – Drawer Sides
  • 2 – 3/4″ plywood at 8-1/4″ x 17″ – Large Drawer Bottoms
  • 4 – 3/4″ plywood at 8-3/8″ x 9-3/4″ – Large Drawer Front & Back

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest

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Step One

If using edge banding, it will be applied to the plywood before assembly.

Cut the pieces for the legs as well as the upper and lower stretchers. Cut a curve as desired in the lower stretcher pieces. Drill pocket holes in each end of the stretchers. Secure to the legs using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. Orient the pocket holes in the 1×2 stretchers so they are facing up and will be hidden by the top. The outside face of the lower stretcher will be flush with the outside face of the legs.

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Sides

Step Two

Cut the pieces for the long stretchers. Cut a curve as desired in the lower stretcher pieces. Drill pocket holes in each end of the stretchers. Secure to the legs using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. The pieces will be positioned in the same manner as the side stretchers.

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Long Stretchers

Step Three

Cut the piece for the shelf and cut the notches with a jigsaw as shown. Drill pocket holes in each edge and position with the top of the face flush with the top of the lower stretchers. Secure using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws.

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Shelf 1free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Shelf 2

Step Four

Cut the pieces for the side panels. Position as shown and secure using glue and countersunk 1-1/4″ screws.

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Side Panels

Step Five

Cut the pieces for the cubbies. Cut the notches as shown using a jigsaw, and drill pocket holes in the vertical pieces as shown. Position the vertical pieces, then secure in place using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. Insert the horizontal pieces and secure with 1-1/4″ brad nails into the side panels.

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Cubby 1free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Cubby 2free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Cubby 3

Step Six

Cut the pieces for the back and drill pocket holes in all four edges. Secure in place using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws.

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Back

Step Seven

Cut the piece for the top. Drill pocket holes in each of the shorter ends, as well as one long edge. Cut the pieces for the trim and secure using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. A decorative edge can be routed on the sides and front of the trim. Position the top with 1/2″ overlapping the sides and front, then secure using glue and 1-1/4″ brad nails.
free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Top 1free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Top 2Step Eight

Cut the pieces for the drawers. Drill pocket holes in each end of the sides, as well as all four edges of the bottoms. Assemble as shown using glue and 1-1/4″ pocket hole screws. Coat the bottom of each drawer with a coat of paste wax to help it slide smoothly in each cubby. There will be a 1/8″ gap at the sides and top of each drawer.

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Sm Drawers BS free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Sm Drawers FB

free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Lg Drawer BS free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_Lg Drawer FBfree plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest_DrawersFinish as desired!

The free plans to build a Joss & Main Inspired Martha Chest are easy to construct and inexpensive to build. Great in a kid’s room to store toys and books in the same cabinet! Share your fabulous work with me… Send photos to cher {at} designsbystudioc {dot} com or designsbystudioc {at} gmail {dot} com. I would love to feature your work on DbSC!



  1. CherTexter

    Thanks so much, Jen! I really do love the table, Ana is the bomb, isn’t she? Stop by again soon!

  2. jamiekreyv

    Such a great piece! Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to have my father-in-law make this…he’s the carpenter in the family! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!