An Easy to Build Cabinet to Hide the Television

This is a super-cool cabinet that mounts to the wall over a TV to hide it. The easy to build Hughes TV cabinet, inspired by one from Ballard Designs, features two double hinged doors that fold back to reveal the TV behind it, and optional crown moulding at the top.

build hughes tv cabinet _dimensions

build hughes tv cabinet ai image of finished project
AI generated rendering of finished project

This is one of the coolest DIY tv cabinet designs for a living room. It’s the perfect weekend project, and the plan is suitable for all skill levels!



  • 5 – 1×3 at 8′
  • 2 – 1×6 at 8′
  • 1 – 4′ x 4′ sheet of 1/4″ plywood
  • Crown moulding for the top, optional

Cut List:

  • 2 – 1×3 at 29-1/4″ – Cabinet Front
  • 2 – 1×6 ripped to 4-1/4″ wide at 29-1/4″ – Cabinet Sides
  • 2 – 1×6 ripped to 5″ wide at 49-1/2″ – Top and Bottom
  • 2 – 1×3 at 48″ – Hanging cleats
  • 12 – 1×3 at 8″ – Door Frame
  • 8 – 1×3 at 29″ – Door Frame
  • 8 – 1/4″ plywood at 8-7/16″ x 12-3/4″ – Door Panels

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build hughes tv cabinet

Notes About the Project:

  • Sand the pieces before putting everything together
  • Have fun with it!

Step One

Cut the pieces for the cabinet front and the cabinet sides. With the pocket hole jig set for 3/4″ material, drill pocket holes along one long edge of each 4-1/4″ wide piece. Also drill a couple of pocket holes in each end of each piece to attach the top and bottom. Secure the 4-1/4″ wide pieces to the 1×3 pieces to form an “L” shape using glue and 1-1/2″ pocket hole screws.

Cut the pieces for the top and bottom. Secure the top and bottom to the L shaped pieces (the sides and front) using glue and 1-1/2″ pocket hole screws.

build hughes tv cabinet _frame

Step Two

Cut the pieces for the hanging cleats and drill pocket holes along one long edge of each piece. Secure the hanging cleats to the back edge of the top and bottom using glue and 1-1/2″ pocket hole screws.

build hughes tv cabinet _ hanging cleats

Step Three

Cut the pieces for the door frames. Drill pocket holes in each end of the shorter pieces. Note the placement of the pocket holes to allow for the rabbet for the door panel. Assemble the doors using glue and 1-1/2″ pocket hole screws.

Use a router to cut a 1/4″ rabbet along the opening of each frame, and square the corners with a chisel. Here’s a great tutorial on how to do it!

build hughes tv cabinet _ door frame

Step Four

Cut the pieces for the door panel. Apply a thin bead of glue along the rabbets in the frames and insert the 1/4″ plywood. Use clamps or weights to hold the panel in place while the glue dries.

build hughes tv cabinet _ door panel

Step Five

Install the hinges on the doors so that there are two sets of doors. When folded, the back faces of the doors will face each other. Install the remaining sets of hinges on the outer door and the cabinet so that the door can fold out of the way. Confusing, I know, but take a look at the drawing which may be helpful.

build hughes tv cabinet _ doors

build hughes tv cabinet _ hinges

Step Six

Cut the pieces for the crown moulding. There are several great tutorials online for cutting and installing crown moulding without a jig – here’s one of my favorites!

build hughes tv cabinet _ crown

Finish the cabinet as desired.

Mount the cabinet over the TV, driving the 3″ screws through the hanging cleats into a wall stud for maximum security.

Have questions about the plans to build a Hughes TV cabinet? Leave a comment below!


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